Fd Linux Install Instructions for v1.0 and v1.1-1

Here are the installation instructions for Fd Linux v1.0 and v1.1-1. I tried to 
make them as straight forward as I could. If you do run into any problems, goto 
the contact page and fill out a trouble ticket form. I will usually have a response 
out to you within 24 hours or less.

Thanks for trying Fd Linux!

For Windows:

1.) Download 'RawWrite for Windows' off the download page at www.fdlinux.com

2.) Unpack RawWrite .zip file into a directory using Winzip or Pkunzip

3.) Download an Fd Linux version from from the download page and unpack the 
contents of archive to a directory using Winzip or Pkunzip

4.) Format 2 floppy disks

4.) Insert 1 of the formatted floppy disks into your floppy drive

5.) Goto the RawWrite directory where you unpacked the contents of the .zip file 
and execute "rawwritewin.exe"

6.) Find the kernel image in the directory where you unpacked it at

7.) Write the kernel to the first floppy

8.) Insert the other formatted floppy disk into your floppy drive

9.) Find the root fs image in the directory where you unpacked it at

10.) Write the root fs to the second floppy

((If you had any problems with it, goto the contact page and submit a trouble-ticket))

11.) Read the HowTo section on this site. It holds IMPORTANT information you need
to know before running Fd Linux!

12.)  Put the kernel disk back into the drive and reboot your computer!  When it asks for the root fs disk,
simply put the root fs disk in and press enter!

13.) Once Fd Linux has boot up, Login as root (there is no passwd) and away you go!

For Linux:

1.) Download kernel and root fs archive (.zip) from the download page

2.) Unpack contents of archive to a directory ( i.e. unzip ARCHIVE_NAME )

3.) Format 2 floppy disks using the command fdformat ( i.e. fdformat /dev/fd0H1440 )

4.) Write the kernel image to a floppy using the command dd ( i.e. dd if=KERNEL_LOCATION 
of=/dev/fd0 bs=1k )

5.) Write the root fs image to a floppy using the command dd ( i.e. dd if=ROOTFS_LOCATION 
of=/dev/fd0 bs=1k) 

6.) Read the HowTo section on this site. It holds various commands for links and e3

7.)  Put the kernel disk back into the drive and reboot your computer!  When it asks for the root fs disk,
simply put the root fs disk in and press enter!

8.) Login as root (no passwd) and away you go!